Accreditation according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17043

Proficiency Test


Proficiency Test

The use of Proficiency Tests in the context of he assessment of laboratories to the accreditation according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025 is regarded in this standard to ensure the quality of test and calibration results.

The Institut für Eignungsprüfung guarantees the professional conception and performance of bilateral and multilateral Proficiency Tests. The evaluation of the results is made on the basis of certified reference values or the consensus values determined from the results of the participants. During the development of the Proficiency Tests IfEP works together with experts.

You recieve:

an estimation about your testing performance in comparison with laboratories from all over Europe and worldwide.

a detailled evaluation in the form of a final report.

a certificate, which is accepted by all accreditation bodies as proof of competence.


Proficiency Test 2025

If you need a proficiency test, which is not inluded in the list below, please contact us. Usually IfEP has material of past pts in stock, which can be delivered immediately.

For an improved proceeding of your registration, you can now fill-in our registration form online an send it to us by e-Mail.

Duration of proficiency tests ...

In the past, the duration of proficiency tests, i.e. the time between individual feedback on the results and receipt of the evaluation (final report / certificate), was unacceptably long for many laboratories. We have therefore made considerable efforts over the past three years to shorten this period.

Our goal was to be able to publish the final report/certificate three months after the first sample was sent. We have (as of 2022) succeeded in doing this for the vast majority of (non-round-based) schemes. A further reduction with regard to the shipping routes and everyday laboratory work is hardly possible.

If you need the results of proficiency tests faster, e.g. as part of an application for accreditation according to ISO/IEC 17025, we ask you to use our bilateral proficiency test program (link).

Information about Proficiency Tests

Our delivery costs

can be found here

What is

proficiency testing?

Proficiency testing involves the use of interlaboratory comparisons for the determination of laboratory performance, by pre-described criteria ( see ISO/IEC 17043).

Typical purposes for interlaboratory comparisons include:

Assessment of the laboratories competence for certain tests or measurements, also in the framework of accreditation according to ISO/IEC 17025;

Continuous monitoring of effectiveness of staff training and supervision, or calibration of equipment;

Provision of additional confidence to laboratory customers;

Achieve commercial improvement, through providing additional confidence to laboratory clients;

Achieving confidence in testing performance of accredited laboratories;

Demonstration of competence in a testing field;

Assist in determining reasons for interlaboratory differences;

The need for ongoing confidence in laboratory performance is not only essential for laboratories and their customers but also for other interested parties, such as regulators, laboratory accreditation bodies and other organizations that specify requirements for laboratories. ISO/IEC 17011 requires accreditation bodies to take account of laboratories’ participation and performance in proficiency testing.


Delivery Costs

Int. Code Country Total costs/Euro
A Austria 25,00
Al Albania 70,00
AR Argentina 70,00
AU Australia 70,00
B Belgium 25,00
BG Bulgaria 25,00
BIH Bosnia-Herzegovina 70,00
BY Belarus 70,00
BR Brazil 70,00
CDN Canada 70,00
CH Switzerland 35,00
CN PR. China 100,00
CU Cuba 70,00
CY Cyprus 25,00
CZ Czech Republic 25,00
D Germany 0,00
DK Denmark 25,00
E Spain 25,00
EE Estonia 25,00
EG Egypt 70,00
F France 25,00
FIN Finland 25,00
Int. Code Country Total costs/Euro
GB Great Britain 45,00
GR Greece 25,00
HR Croatia 25,00
HU Hungary 25,00
I Italy 25,00
IND India 70,00
IR Iran 100,00
IRL Ireland 25,00
IS Israel 70,00
JO Jordan 70,00
JP Japan 70,00
Q Qatar 70,00
KE Kenya 70,00
KR South Korea 70,00
KSA Saudi-Arabia 70,00
LT Lithuania 25,00
LV Latvia 25,00
LY Libya 70,00
MA Malta 25,00
MAL Malaysia 70,00
MK Macedonia 70,00
MU Mauritius 70,00
Int. Code Country Total costs/Euro
MX Mexico 70,00
N Norway 45,00
NL Netherlands 25,00
OM Oman 70,00
P Portugal 25,00
PK Pakistan 70,00
PL Poland 25,00
RCH Chile 70,00
RO Romania 25,00
ROK Rep. Korea (south) 70,00
RU Russia 70,00
S Sweden 25,00
SGP Singapore 70,00
SK Slovakia 25,00
SLO Slovenia 25,00
SX Serbia 70,00
T Thailand 70,00
TR Turkey 70,00
UA Ukraine 70,00
UAE United Arab Emirates 70,00
USA United States of America 70,00
ZA South Africa 70,00

As of: 11.01.2021

If your country is not mentioned above, please contact IfEP under

As an accredited institute we feel constrained to advance our quality management system and professional competence continuously.